From Chaos to Clarity: Measuring Impact with Salesforce’s Nonprofit Cloud for Programs

For nonprofits juggling many programs and services, Salesforce’s Nonprofit Cloud for Programs offers some impressive nonprofit tools. It helps you track all the moving parts of your services – from who you’re helping to what benefits you’re delivering. 

Engaging stories resonate with your funders’ hearts, but delivering quantifiable results about your impact can help them decide how many zeros to put on that check!

Here’s a quick look at what this platform brings to the table, why you need it, and how Redpath can help.

What it offers

Nonprofit Cloud for Programs allows you to manage every aspect of your mission. It includes features to track Programs, Benefits, Recipients, and more. This means you can set up a food distribution program with benefits like meal deliveries. Or you could track a disaster relief program that provides emergency housing. Or you could manage disbursements of monetary aide for rent relief. Or you can schedule classes for young people to learn about buying a house. Or all of the above – it’s really up to you!

Your programming is unique, and Nonprofit Cloud for Programs has the flexibility to match. You might measure the benefits you deliver in:

  • Dollars of Aid: Quantify the financial assistance provided to beneficiaries.
  • Pounds of Food: Track the amount of food distributed through food distribution programs.
  • Numbers of Students: Monitor the enrollment and participation rates in educational initiatives.
  • Hours of Counseling: Measure the duration of counseling sessions provided to individuals.
  • Days of Cultural Events: Track the frequency and duration of cultural events organized for communities.

Any of these, and more, are defined and measured by you, when you follow the step-by-step process to set up your programs in Nonprofit Cloud.

Why nonprofits need it

  • Simplified Data Handling: Everything’s in one place. You can manage data about your programs, participants, and benefits all within the same platform. This cuts down on the chaos and makes it easy to pull up information when you need it.

  • Targeted Participant Tracking: Whether your participants are individuals, other organizations, or even animals, the Nonprofit Cloud for Programs helps you keep tabs on each group effectively.

  • Enhanced Team Collaboration: By centralizing data and workflows, your team can work together more smoothly, planning and tracking everything that’s important.

  • Resource Management: With better tracking and scheduling tools, you can make sure you’re using your resources in the most effective way possible, which is great for both your budget and program impact.

  • Increased Funding Opportunities: With the ability to provide clear, measurable data about your programs, you are equipped to have fruitful conversations with funders. Transparency and accountability are a key factor in securing more substantial and sustained funding, as donors and grant makers are more likely to increase their support when they see tangible, trackable numbers.

Why you should partner up

While Nonprofit Cloud for Programs is powerful, getting the most out of it requires skilled implementation and training. That’s where Redpath shines! 

Here’s how Redpath can help:

Tailored Setup

We help you set up and customize the platform so it fits exactly what your nonprofit needs. No one-size-fits-all solutions here; we make sure it works for you. We identify the paths your staff will be using most frequently in the software, and make sure those paths are straight, easy to find, and hard to fall off of!

Hands-on Training

We train your team not just to use the platform, but to love it. This means everyone from your program managers to your admin gets comfortable and confident with the tools. We are raving fans of Salesforce, and before we’re done, you will be too!

Continued Support and Optimization

As your programs evolve, we’re here to help adjust and optimize how you use the platform. This way, it continues to serve your needs long into the future.

Your constituents matter to you…and you matter to us! 

Salesforce’s Nonprofit Cloud for Programs will transform how you manage your nonprofit’s activities. It provides clarity and structure, helping you keep track of your programs and report your success to those who support your work. But to really make the most of this platform, having a trusted partner to guide you through setup and beyond can make a big difference. We’re here to make sure that as you grow and change, your systems grow too, with everything running smoothly and stress-free.

At Redpath we’re not just consultants; we consider ourselves part of your team—a partner who’s just as invested in seeing your nonprofit succeed as you are. Let’s work together to make sure your good work gets the support and structure it deserves.

Experience the difference with Redpath, where your success is our priority.

At Redpath, we prioritize building a valued partnership. Our commitment is to deliver technology that enables your organization to drive to your outcomes and yield tangible results. 

With the rapid evolution of technology, Salesforce solutions are ever-changing and improving features. Contact our team for up-to-date information.

Published On: May 10, 2024

About the Author: Stephanie King

Stephanie King is a Senior Consultant at Redpath Consulting Group, Co-Leader of the Twin Cities Salesforce Nonprofit User Group, and has been blogging as Cloudy Cumulus since 2012.