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(612) 843-3360   ▪   info@redpathcg.com


Category: Nonprofit

Our Favorite New Products for Nonprofits from Dreamforce ’19

Last month, Redpath joined thousands of Salesforce.org community members gathered in San Francisco for a week of networking, learning and growing together at Dreamforce 2019. This annual conference is always packed with exciting new product demos and announcements, and this year was no exception. Read about some of the most exciting new products geared toward nonprofits that were featured at Dreamforce this year. Nonprofit Cloud Enhancements for better program management Salesforce recently announced several new expansions coming to Nonprofit Cloud, all designed to help organizations reach more people and achieve their missions with personalized experiences. Here’s more details about some ...

Making the most of Dreamforce 2019: 4 tips for nonprofits

One of our favorite events of the year, Dreamforce 2019, is taking place in San Francisco, Nov. 19-22. Dreamforce is the ultimate gathering for all Salesforce communities, especially Salesforce.org. More than 5,500 Salesforce community participants will be in attendance enjoying the 300-plus sessions dedicated to making Salesforce a better, stronger tool for Salesforce.org community. This is where you can "get your learn on" in a place like no other. Question is: Will you be there? We hope so, and if you are feeling a little overwhelmed with everything there is to see and do at Dreamforce, we want to ...

Salesforce: It’s for foundations too

Nonprofits exist to lift people up and help solve the most difficult problems facing our communities. But to do that, they need the right tools. Foundations in particular face a distinct set of challenges that require multifaceted business management systems to achieve success. Thankfully, Salesforce has the capability to do just that. Here’s a look at what makes foundations so unique and how Salesforce can be a powerful tool in furthering their vital work. Foundations have unique needs Foundations aren’t like other nonprofits. While most nonprofits are focused on bringing in donations, foundations also pay money out in the form ...

How Salesforce Improves Fundraising for Public Broadcasters

At a time when government funding seems to continually rest on a knife’s edge, public media stations need to raise money effectively to continue their mission. But social media and modern mobile lifestyles mean today’s broadcasters need a 360-degree view of constituents to be successful in their fundraising efforts. Thankfully, a solution like Salesforce has the tools you need to develop successful fundraising strategies. From tracking donor activities to optimizing communications channels, here’s how Salesforce can improve development efforts for public media stations. Donor management To effectively manage your donor database, you need robust segmentation capabilities and comprehensive visibility into ...

New e-book on Growing Public Media Reach with Salesforce

The mission of public media is as ambitious as it is challenging. Public broadcasters are required to both reach and engage each local, state, and national audience effectively and efficiently. And as streaming media, podcasts and hyper-tailored content and programming increase, public broadcast media is challenged to not only keep up but to also elevate the conversation. …

Learn how Salesforce helps Foundations at Dreamforce

Redpath's consultants are presenting at two Dreamforce sessions - both for Foundations. Attend or learn about them below. Can't attend? Let us know after Dreamforce to send you more information. If the sessions are recorded, we will share them. Salesforce It's for Foundations Too Thursday, September 27, 12:30 PM - 12:50 PM Westin St. Francis, Cascade Theater Learn how Salesforce can help Foundations. Foundations have unique needs and challenges that other nonprofits cannot relate to. We recently implemented Salesforce for Southwest Initiative Foundation (SWIF) and they will be co-presenting with the consultants who made it happen. They will highlight SWIF's unique needs and ...

Cloudy’s Favorite Apps: SyncApps by Cazoomi – Part 2 “Tips & Tricks”

MailChimp is a popular platform for mass email and marketing automation - with good reason! The interface is friendly, the marketing automation options are robust, the templates are up to date, documentation & support are good, and the price is competitive. Cloudy has previously reviewed a great app for integrating MailChimp with Salesforce - Cazoomi SyncApps:   You can read that full review HERE **The bottom line from that review is that Cloudy does not recommend the free/native Salesforce integration offered by MailChimp. For all the good features MailChimp offers - the “free” integration is not one of them.** But Cazoomi SyncApps ...

Cloudy’s Tips & Tricks: Lightning Record Detail Tabs

One great feature of the Salesforce Lightning UI is the “Tabs” page component. Tabs allow admins to reduce scrolling by putting different pieces of a page layout into Tabs - rather than stacked or otherwise spread out. This example shows a common use case: Putting Account Details and Related Lists in tabs makes viewing all facets of the account easier & faster than the scrolling required in Classic: Admins everywhere have lost no time taking advantage of this great design enhancement, but they quickly ran into limitations, and the desire to do more with tabs! One idea for extending the ...

6 Steps to Salesforce Zen

Does your Salesforce give you a sense of Database Zen? Do you revel in the calm assurance that your Salesforce is well-understood, the data is consistent, and your analytics are driving smart, timely business decisions? If your answer is “no”, Cloudy is here to help. Here are six mantras to boost your Salesforce karma: 1) Clean Up Dirty Data. Dirty data (Duplicates, blank fields, and incorrect values) mean your reports are incorrect and unhelpful. 2) Fix Bad Meta-Data. “Meta-Data” is the setup of your unique Salesforce Database; are you using records and fields in a way that is clean, strategic, and aligned with ...