Salesforce Service Cloud Entitlements

Learn how your busy support agents can check service level entitlements to ensure customers have a valid service level agreements by using entitlements.

As call volume rises, meeting service level agreements (SLAs) can suffer. Use of entitlements can ensure that only customers that are entitled to support get support. It also gives you an opportunity to sell support to new customers, those ones who called but are not entitled to support.

Customer service is constantly being asked to service more customers with fewer agents. Just when more customers have more complex support needs. Entitlements help enforce entitlements automatically.

Entitlements help your support agents determine if your customers maybe eligible for customer support based on:

  • Entitlement
  • Asset
  • Account
  • Contact
  • Line Items in Service Contract

So how do you start?

  1. Build a project team that has your system administrator, sales team, service manager, service agents, and VP of support
  2. Understand the service level agreements customers can purchase
  3. Understand the detailed requirements that drive entitlement management
  4. Decide on the entitlement model (Entitlement Ony, Entitlements + Service Contract, Entitlements + Service Contract + Line Items)
  5. Configure the right entitlement system using entitlements.
  6. Enable Entitlements – Display entitlements and service contract related lists, add entitlement fields to the page layouts, tailor the entitlement fields and page layouts
  7. Create and entitlement process (add milestones with entry and exit criteria, service level agreements, timestone milestone actions (success, warning, violation))
  8. Train your agents!
  9. Deploy the entitlement process to your salesforce service cloud, add entitlement management tabs to call center app, tailor service contract fields and page layouts, display contract line items on related list on service contracts).
  10. Monitor how the changes are impacting service levels and fine tune

Best Practices

  • Create entitlement templates
  • Assignment entitlement templates to each entitlement model


With the rapid evolution of technology, Salesforce solutions are ever-changing and improving features. Contact our team for up-to-date information.

Published On: December 21, 2014

About the Author: Paul Selway

Paul is the president and co-founder of Redpath. He works with prospects and customers to help them imagine their future with a Salesforce solution. He was born in England and hails from the Redpath clan in Scotland.