Why Nonprofits Should Move from Raiser’s Edge to Salesforce’s New Nonprofit Cloud: A Deep Dive into Enhanced Giving Architecture

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When it comes to nonprofit CRM solutions, Raiser’s Edge has been a longstanding option. And while Salesforce’s Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) has been a great solution for many nonprofits, Salesforce’s new Nonprofit Cloud is making waves in the industry with its advanced features and unparalleled flexibility. As Salesforce experts with over 15 years of experience, we have witnessed firsthand how this innovative platform can enhance nonprofit operations. This blog post explores how Salesforce’s Nonprofit Cloud bridges the gaps within Raiser’s Edge for nonprofit initiatives, specifically focusing on the enhanced functionality of Gift Commitments and Gift Transactions.

Why we recommend Salesforce’s Nonprofit Cloud

For nonprofits familiar with Raiser’s Edge, the new Nonprofit Cloud offers significant improvements, particularly in its giving architecture, that make the transition smoother and more beneficial than ever. We have a deep understanding of the unique challenges that nonprofits face, and our team has successfully guided numerous organizations in their transition from Raiser’s Edge to Salesforce’s Nonprofit solutions. We have seen how this powerful CRM platform, with its flexibility and advanced features, has helped nonprofits better manage their donor relationships and fundraising efforts.  

Understanding the new Giving Architecture

One of the standout features of Salesforce’s Nonprofit Cloud is its new Giving architecture. Unlike the traditional and sometimes rigid structure of Raiser’s Edge, Salesforce’s Nonprofit cloud has been designed to offer a more comprehensive and flexible approach to donation management. This is a significant step up from the Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) and is particularly appealing to organizations transitioning from Raiser’s Edge.

  1. Gift Commitments: These records hold information related to gift pledges, recurring donations, grants, or planned gifts and allow nonprofits to record and manage commitments from donors over time. This mirrors the structured Gifts module in Raiser’s Edge but offers greater flexibility and integration with other aspects of donor management.
  2. Gift Transactions: These records represent the actual payments or donations received by the nonprofit. These can be tracked independently of Gift Commitments, giving organizations the ability to manage both one-time and recurring donations efficiently. This feature ensures accurate financial reporting and enhances the nonprofit’s ability to recognize donor contributions effectively.

Why Raiser’s Edge Users Should Consider the Switch

01. Feature Parity and Enhanced Functionality

Raiser’s Edge users are accustomed to managing pledges and donations within a structured Gifts module. Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud for Fundraising not only matches this capability but enhances it with more robust Gift Commitments and Gift Transactions. This new architecture allows nonprofits to:

  • Seamlessly track pledges (Gift Commitments) and actual donations (Gift Transactions).
  • Facilitate accurate financial reporting. 
  • Enhance donor recognition processes.
  • Easily manage cash flow and forecast revenue.
02. Flexible and Customizable Data Management
  • Salesforce’s Nonprofit Cloud stands out with its flexible data model, allowing organizations to continue using Opportunities for moves management related to major gifts, planned gifts, and grants. This flexibility ensures that the right kind of data is captured and reported effectively for various types of fundraising efforts.
03. Improved Donor Management and Engagement

Salesforce’s comprehensive donor profiles, along with the new giving architecture, provide a more holistic view of donor interactions. This helps in:

  • Enhancing donor engagement and retention.
  • Improving the accuracy of donor segmentation.
  • More effective and targeted communications.
04. Scalability and Integration

Salesforce’s Nonprofit Cloud is highly scalable, supporting organizations of all sizes. It integrates seamlessly with other tools and platforms, unlike Raiser’s Edge’s limited integration options. This allows nonprofits to:

  • Connect their CRM with marketing automation tools, accounting software, payment gateways, and more.
  • Utilize the vast ecosystem of apps available on the Salesforce AppExchange.

Making the Switch: A Smooth Transition

Transitioning from Raiser’s Edge to Salesforce’s Nonprofit Cloud doesn’t have to be daunting.. Our team of certified Salesforce experts ensures the transition is made smoother by:

  • Extensive customization opportunities to tailor the platform to your specific needs.
  • Access to a large support community and a wide range of training resources.
  • The potential to leverage the latest technology developments from Salesforce, such as Artificial Intelligence, to optimize your fundraising efforts.

The enhanced giving architecture in Salesforce’s Nonprofit Cloud represents a significant advancement over the previous NPSP and offers a familiar yet superior experience for Raiser’s Edge users. By seamlessly tracking pledges and actual donations, providing flexible data management, and improving donor engagement, Salesforce’s Nonprofit Cloud stands out as the ideal choice for nonprofits looking to elevate their fundraising and donor management capabilities.

Ready to explore how Salesforce’s Nonprofit Cloud can transform your nonprofit? Contact our team of Salesforce experts today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help you make the most of this powerful platform.

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Published On: August 29, 2024

About the Author: James McGrory

James is the Nonprofit Principal Consultant at Redpath, where he leverages over five years of expertise in Salesforce solutions to support and empower nonprofit organizations. With a background in public media and a passion for the nonprofit sector, James excels in designing, configuring, and deploying Salesforce solutions tailored to his clients’ needs. He leads a team of Salesforce consultants, collaborates on solution architecture, and ensures high-quality project delivery. James is dedicated to helping nonprofits optimize their CRM systems and drive impactful results through effective technology integration and support.