We Will Miss Our Super Woman
In life, the things that matter most are the relationships you create. Redpath is sad to announce Missy Lowery passed away after a long battle with cancer. She was in every way the forge that built Redpath.
Missy was Redpath’s first employee nearly 9 years ago. She wanted a change of pace from her last role and once she started consulting on Salesforce, she fell in love. For her, consulting was more than a job – she truly loved it and it was obvious that she was in the right place. Her husband, David, said she found her calling and was passionate about it.
When she walked in the office, it wasn’t her heels that made it known, it was her authentic “Good morning team” and enthusiasm for being with everyone. This was in many ways the equivalent of a cup of coffee. On Wednesdays, she would always start off the team meeting with shouting “HUMP DAY!!!”. Missy had a very infectious laugh that brought joy to all.
She set the standard at Redpath and everyone within the company looked to her for advice, mentoring, or just to vent. Even if she had stacked meetings, she would always make time for you. These are the selfless traits we will miss from Missy. Even off hours, Missy wanted to help others. If you wanted someone to talk to unrelated to work, she’d love to listen and offer to help.
She excelled with helping clients and would go to extreme lengths to ensure needs were met. For her to be happy, she had to exceed her client’s expectations. This was the fire the drove her. If she couldn’t think of a solution to a problem, she would use the drive home from work to ponder. More than one occasion we would get a call before she arrived home with the answer. We would joke that her car was a mobile think tank.
Missy was our super woman and she will be missed by everyone at Redpath. Please keep Missy and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
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