My Favorites – Salesforce App Review
Do you want to save Salesforce clicks? Then consider the My Favorites App. I am in Salesforce and Salesforce1 all the time. I access critical records, dashboards, list views, leads, opportunities, follow deals, check on projects and call customers. Even though I use a lot of the Salesforce functionality, I find myself going back to many of the same places. Yes I do remember the click paths to the most used parts of Salesforce, but finding those list views, reports and dashboards that I only use periodically is harder. Finding what I want in Salesforce often requires multiple clicks. I was wondering if there was ...
Lightning Series #2: Salesforce Lightning UI Demo
Redpath demonstrates how to use the new Lightning Experience interface, as well as how to switch between Classic and Lightning. Don't forget to check out our last post about testing Lightning! Click here to read.
Lightning Series #1: Redpath Tests Lightning
We’ve been getting a lot of questions from our customers around the new Lightning Experience in Salesforce. One of the biggest questions we get is “should we enable it for our Salesforce org?” As Salesforce consultants, we’ve read the documentation, seen the demos and played around with it individually in our own developer orgs. However, to get a true sense of what enabling Lightning means for users who center their daily life around Salesforce, we knew we had to go deeper and beta test lightning with a select group of our own users internally at Redpath. We put careful consideration ...
The Dawn of TeenForce
A few years ago, I was asked to manage User Accounts in a program that the non-profit organization where I worked was piloting. Since I was always excited about learning new programs, I jumped right into our new Salesforce org. However, my role was small and my permissions were limited. So I didn’t really know what I was working with and how it would eventually change my life. A little over a year later I was asked to fill the role of our Salesforce Sales Admin who was moving on to bigger role in the Salesforce world. My role and ...
So, you are moving to Salesforce!
It is finally that time - you have decided to move from your old system to Salesforce. I bet you are excited. You have watched the videos, read the articles, and chosen a Salesforce partner to work with. What could possibly go wrong? Insisting that Salesforce behaves just like your old solution. On the surface this sounds perfectly reasonable. Why would you want to lose functionality? Clearly Salesforce should be able to do everything your old solution did. At the same time, if your old solution was lacking, why would you want to create a new solution in its image? Why go through the pain and expense of replacing your old ...
How to enable Salesforce Lightning
Mobile Enabled Selling
Imagine a mobile enabled sales rep, where they can access everything they need from any device and drive the entire sales process from anywhere. With Salesforce1 Sales Cloud in the palm of your hand this possible today. Untether your sales reps and drive sales performance to the next level. Imagine if they could: Find new leads Research prospects Check quotas Get a 360 degree view of their customers Drive the meeting agenda with digital content Ask their community for real-time help Record their sales activities and notes Deliver quotes and proposals when they are with the customer Get contracts signed ...
Salesforce Service Cloud Entitlements
Learn how your busy support agents can check service level entitlements to ensure customers have a valid service level agreements by using entitlements. As call volume rises, meeting service level agreements (SLAs) can suffer. Use of entitlements can ensure that only customers that are entitled to support get support. It also gives you an opportunity to sell support to new customers, those ones who called but are not entitled to support. Customer service is constantly being asked to service more customers with fewer agents. Just when more customers have more complex support needs. Entitlements help enforce entitlements automatically. ...
Microsoft and Salesforce
What is likely to come out of the recent Salesforce and Microsoft strategic alliance? Well after Dreamforce it appears that the engineers from both compaines have been collaborating to deepen the integrations between the two cloud platforms. Office 365 Excel Power BI for Office 365 Salesforce1 Mobile for windows next year Click here to download PDF
Cloud Trends
Why do I say this? The customer now rules. The social revolution has introduced an entire new world of cloud based communities. Social networks like Yelp, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and Facebook that have gained new authority. The collective voice of the customer has become loud and can no longer be silenced. Speed is the new currency of business. Companies that are able to scale and pivot their business model and supporting systems are better able to capitalize on market shifts. Typical technology infrastructures built on traditional servers tend to be slower to change and scale. Companies that utilize cloud based ...